Dear Readers,
We are sending new edition of European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation newsletter. It contains news on current conferences, projects and other activities of the European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation and Labour Market Institute.
We would like to send you information about activities of the Foundation on monthly basis. Newsletter is also invitation to cooperation and participation in events organized by the Foundation.

On behalf of European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation team.
Tomasz Różniak - Chairman

NEWS in MAY 2012

TriM 2012 - hattrick for Europe
3-7 czerwca 2012
Final Tournament in Lublin

TriM 2012 - hattrick for Europe is an intiative of the Polish - German Youth
Office. It is a street soccer tournament for young people from Poland, Ukraine and Germany combined with a trinational youth exchange aiming at getting to know each other better.

Just before Euro 2012 starts, young football players from those countries
meet in Lublin to play together in the spirit of fair play. Together with
the citizens of Lublin they want to enjoy the biggest sport and cultural
event ever in Poland.
TriM 2012 Final Tournament in Lublin is organized by the European Meeting
Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation (

TriM 2012 in brief
• 13 qualification tournaments in 3 countries
• 500 young people alltogether participating in the tournaments
• 16 teams qualified for the Final Tournament in Lublin
• 150 young football players will play in Lublin
• 300 people will participate in the Final Tournament Closing Ceremony in


European Centre of Youth Co-operation
Across the border.
Polish-German training for international youth exchange coordinators

Between 6th and 13th May in European Meeting Centre in Nasutów the second part of the Polish-German specialized training for international youth exchange coordinators took  place.
Participants of the second part of the training presented their ideas of work as international youth exchange coordinator. Working in international groups they created the image of an ideal trainer. What is more, they took part in workshops including the ways of solving conflicts; they worked in groups and created  their own ideas of international exchanges. An additional attraction was a visit in Nowy Staw Foundation to see how work in such kind of institution looks like. The participants also had an opportunity to use knowledge which they gained during the first part of training in Blossin, in the school in Nasutów during work with pupils. The participants in two groups organized  integration games as well as language animations for these pupils. This event was also filmed. During last days of training the participants worked  on financial side of application, they  learned how to prepare a good application and how to find a target group.

Sylwia Jezierska:

RCIE Lublin , Europe Direct Lublin
Europe Day in Lublin

In May again we celebrate the Europe Day. On this occasion we organize a European Information Point, Simulation of European Parliaments` Assembly and the European City Game on 9th May.

Competition "Simulation of assembly of the European Parliament"
Students of secondary schools took part in the simulation of assembly of the European Parliament which was held in the Lublin City Hall (City Council Debating Chamber). The purpose of the simulation was spreading knowledge about the structure and functioning of the European Union, and especially the European Parliament, and developing the skills of discussion, rhetoric and argumentation of young people. The prize was a trip to the European Parliament, founded by prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska.

European City Game
For younger pupils we prepared a city game.
The game took place in the Centre of Lublin. Its participants had to find answers to questions concerning European issues connected to our city. With this aim, teams had to visit institutions, find places and talk with some people. The game started at 10.30 close to the Lublin City Hall and finished at 12.00.  The participants formed teams of 5 persons accompanied by a teacher. There were prizes for completing the game.

European Information Point
We organized the information point where you could get some information about the European Union, get informational materials about EU and take part in a raffle. The point  was set up close to Lublin City Hall, at Plac Łokietka from 8.30 am till 1 pm. At noon we gave yellow flowers to people who visited the information point.

Marta Jędrych:


European Centre of Youth Co-operation
Break the generation gap

On April 22nd we finished an international media exchange in Nasutów called Break the generation gap. Young people from Poland, Czech, England, Spain and Finland were working together with a group of seniors from the District House of Culture Węglin.

The topic of the exchange was to establish relationships between youth and seniors through the media. Participants worked together to create two films, blog and photo exhibition. The exchange program included media workshops, national evenings, integration, a city game. Great atmosphere during the meeting made it possible to break the gap between generations.
The exchange ended with the exhibition of participants and seniors work on April 21st in Księgarnio-Kawiarnia Spółdzielnia.
See the project's blog:

Magdalena Gnyp:

RCIE Gdańsk
Celebration of the European Union’s Day in the Tricity

The Regional Centre for European Information in Gdańsk together with Europe Direct Information Point in Gdańsk and Association “Pomerania in European Union” organized the event Europe in my City. On 12 May 2012 on the occasion of the Day of Europe urban game Europe in my City was organized by the Regional Center for European Information, EU Information Service – Europe Direct in Gdańsk and The Association “Pomerania in European Union”. Europe in My City was a combination of happening and interactive street party. Its purpose was to familiarize residents of Pomerania information about various aspects of the European Union and the promotion of conscious citizenship in the 21st century.

Agata Birecka:


RCIE Lublin , Europe Direct Lublin
XII Congress of European School Clubs took place

Under the slogan "What if not Euro?" in the Blue Room of the Regional Office of Lublin the XII Congress of European School Clubs took place. This year's congress was organized by Regional Centre for European Information in Lublin, the Information Centre Europe - Direct Lublin and the Lublin Voivodship Office in Lublin. Patron of the Congress took Ms. Jolanta Szołno-Koguc  Lubelskie Governor and Mr. Krzysztof Babisz Lublin Scholl’s Superintendent. The Congress was attended by about 200 pupils from primary, middle and high schools of the Lublin province belonging to the European School Clubs.

This year's meeting was devoted to the theme of "Euro" in the double meaning: the currency and the European Championships in football, organized this year by Poland and Ukraine.
The first part of the Congress was conducted by Ilona Skibińska – Fabrowska the director of Lublin brach of the National Bank of Poland, which in her lecture talked about "Road to Euro." In the first part also Mr. Krszysztof  Babisz Lublin Scholl’s Superintendent and Dr. Jan Buczma, deputy director of the Department of Certification and European Funds Lublin Provincial Office gave a speech to the pupils.

The second part of the meeting was devoted to sport. At first there was a presentation given by Mr. Jerzy Rejdych who is a coordinator of youth groups in Building Sports Club in Lublin. This part of the meeting was also attended by football players Konrad Nowak (Wisła Puławy) and Mateusz Chmielnicki (AZS UMCS Futsal). These people encouraged pupils to live a sporty and active lifestyle.
During the Congress we also announced the results of a  contest for designing the reverse coin of the future Polish Euro currency. There were also two other contest during the Congress: one about Euro currency and the second about football.

Andrzej Skorski:

3 Skłodowskiej-Curie Street, 20-029 Lublin ; Poland

tel: +48.81.5346191 ; fax: +48.81.5346192 ;

Meetings are organized by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation,
which is a supporting organization of the European Voluntary Service
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