18.05.2016 Lublin Conferences disseminating the results of the project "Business Incubator". European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation

We have Just started a series of conferences disseminating the results of the project "Business Incubator".

The project is implemented within the framework of the Erasmus + (Strategic Partnership in the field of vocational education), together with partners from Malta and Estonia. The project aims to encourage entrepreneurial attitudes among young people finishing education in vocational schools and the creation of a coherent, effective model to support young entrepreneurs in their first steps taken in the labor market.

In the course of our joint work, we were able to conduct research of the needs of students in recent years vocational schools about setting up their own business in Poland, Estonia and Malta. We are also finalizing the development of a model incubator of entrepreneurship, based on the results of the research.

All activities undertaken during the project, and the result of this cooperation will be promoted and fostered during the cycle of conferences in Poland, Estonia and Malta. To participate in these conferences we will invite representatives of the labor market and vocational education sector in countries whose representatives participated in the project.

The first conference will be held in Bugibba (Malta) at 20.05.2016.
Agenda of this conference can be found here /PDF

Next conference will be held in Paide (Estonia) at 7.06.2016.
Agenda can be found here / PDF

Dissemination conference in Poland will be held in July and will be the event summarizing the whole Project.


Project partners
UHM Związek Zawodowy Pracowników (Floriana, Malta)
oraz ETOK Estońskie Centrum Pracy (Tallin, Estonia).


Projekt "Inkubator Przedsiębiorczości"
finansowany jest ze środków Programu Erasmus +
