From 8 to 15 August 2015 in the European Meeting Centre in Nasutów an international youth exchange took place. 23 young people from Poland, France, Romania and Turkey participated in it.

The exchange was organized as a part of activities under the project „Discover your creativity” realized by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation and co financed from the means of Erasmus+ programme (KA1: Learning Mobility of Individuals).

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Realization of the project aimed to develop self-consciousness of participants about their unlimited creative potential which was just waiting to be woken up and used in everyday life. Thanks to the techniques and ways of development of creativity demonstrated, the project created space to change thinking schemas and increase creative attitude.


The introductory workshops to the topic of creativity were led by the trainers from the Foundation of Creativity and Innovations in Lublin, Rafał Sawicki and Sebastian Mertowski. They prepared a practical session giving possibility to get to know methods of training of own creativity.

The youth proved their creativity from the very beginning of the project and every next day was full of creative thinking effects. During the workshops ‘Be as Pollock’ the participants created own paintings and T-shirts using action painting technique.


The next point of the program was ‘clothes from the future’ designing and tailoring with the use of materials bought in second-hand shops in Lublin. The created clothes were used by the young people for the photo session and short movie. The day spent in Lublin also involved creative engagement of the youth who were discovering the city in an unconventional way, through city tasks prepared specially for them.


The other attraction during the project was the creation of musical background, choreography and lyrics writing to the short movie about creativity. The youth also had a chance to share own passions and interests with each other. One of the participants, in a very professional way, led a workshop of model planes building. The week ended with a common creative dinner prepared by young people.


All in all, the time spent altogether gave a chance to make friends, deepen relations and integrate with each other. Thanks to the participation in international community young people could develop creative attitude towards life as well as their interpersonal skills. What is more, national evenings allowed to broaden knowledge of other countries. All these aspects put together create a vivid mosaic of unique experiences.