30.06.2015 r. Lublin The Lublin Declaration of Solidarity with Ukraine has been signed EDS-FNS

The ceremony of signing of the Lublin Declaration of Solidarity with Ukraine took place on the 30th of June 2015 at the Museum of Lublin and was dedicated to the inauguration of the program “Together with Ukraine”. Our Foundation supported the initiative and joined the Program.

European Meeting Center – Nowy Staw Foundation is responsible for organizing summer camps for the children of the refugees from the Dnipropetrovsk region.  There will be 2 sessions which will take place in Nasutow from August to September 2015.  About 50 children from Ukraine will be able to participate in these two sessions.

Moreover, Foundation has offered its headquarters as one of the places for collecting humanitarian aid which will be sent to the refugees from Dnipropetrovsk region at the end of July.

What we collect is: hygiene products, chemicals (detergents, cleaning agents), medicine, bandages, dressings and stationary materials for the children starting school in September.

Concerned by the common destiny of our nations, moved by the dramatic situation of people affected by the conflict of war and internally displaced in Ukraine,
convinced that in the face of war drama, we should show solidarity and provide assistance, in the spirit of the best traditions of good Polish – Ukrainian neighbourhood aware of the importance of humanitarian support we believe that help builds mutual trust and good relations between the societies of our countries, stable and developing neighbor is a chance for multidirectional cooperation which will benefits to both parties, we establish a program "Together with Ukraine", which aims to:

  • provide material and moral support, psychological and medical care for those in need;
  • lobby for the creation of humanitarian aid corridor from Poland and other European Union countries;
  • build a broad coalition of Lublin’s business environments, NGOs, church, academics, governments and local administrations and public institutions in order to multiply the effects of humanitarian assistance and development.

We, the undersigned, declare personal commitment, as well as institutions’ support that we represent, for the effective implementation of the program "Together with Ukraine".
