09.05.2014 Europe Day RODM Lublin, ED Lublin

As every year on the occasion of Europe Day (this year we have also celebrated  the tenth anniversary of the Polish accession to the European Union), together with our partners, we have prepared a lot of interesting attractions for residents of Lublin.

Simulation of the proceedings the European Parliament

Three weeks before the elections to the European Parliament in the Debating Chamber of the City Council , in the Lublin City Hall once again was held Simulation of the proceedings the European Parliament. In the competition attended 20 students representing five secondary schools in the province of Lublin. Youth by lottery was assigned to one of five political groups. During the simulation, students discussed the three pre-prepared topics. This year, issues of possible future membership of Ukraine in the European Union financial assistance to the countries affected by the crisis and the free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States of America. The simulation was opened by the President of Lublin City Council Piotr Kowalczyk.

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The students have to present position of fractions about these topics. After the presentations fractions positions they started to discuss which attempted to convince the other participants for their case. The climax of the simulations was to vote on the adoption of a common position on these issues.

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A triple jury composed of representatives of the City Department of Lublin and lecturer at the University of Maria Curie -Sklodowska University evaluated the expression level of knowledge of participants , their way of argumentation , culture of discussions , as well as the compliance of their positions with the political groups represented . The winning fraction was representatives of the European Conservatives and Reformists . The winners received prizes include Tablets funded by the RODM Lublin . The other participants and teachers preparing young people for the contest received gifts from the organizers. In addition, schools that have delegated their students received a map of the world . The competition was organized in celebration of Europe Day . The organizers of the simulation , as well as other events were : Regional Centre for International Debates in Lublin , European Information Point Europe - Direct Lublin , Department of European Funds of the City of Lublin and Transport Authority in Lublin.

The winners received prizes among others Tablets funded by the RODM Lublin. The other participants and teachers who prepared young people for the contest received gifts from the organizers. In addition, schools that have delegated their students received a map of the world. The competition was organized in celebration of Europe Day. The organizers of the simulation, as well as other events were: Regional Centre of International Debates in Lublin, European Information Point Europe - Direct Lublin, Department of European Funds of the City Department of Lublin and Transport Authority in Lublin.

European City Game

In connection with the 10 anniversary of the Polish accession to the European Union from the Lubelskie province we have odganised urban game. The competition aimed to encourage young people of our province to extend their knowledge about the European Union.

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The game took place in the center of Lublin. Punctually at 10:00 am Participants went from the Lublin City Hall with three previously prepared paths. Their task was to find 10 points in the center of Lublin, and then complete tasks specified by the organizers (belonged to them among others finding information from European funds which was financed by the investment, or the perpetuation of a particular object funded by the European Union). Participants visited, among others, Old Theatre, and the Dominican Monastery. Teams have fulfilled their tasks flawlessly in a relatively short time. All students and teachers were given prizes by the organizers.

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European information point

As every year we try to meet the residents of our city. An information point was set up just for them. Lubliners (and not only), could obtain information about Polish 10 years in the European Union and the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament. The piont was equipped with professional brochures and folders devoted to the above-mentioned issues. In addition, for the visitors were given blue balloons.

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A number of interesting attractions in the framework of the Europe Day also prepared our next partner , namely the Public Transport Authority in Lublin.

ZTM on 09/05/2014 , at Castle Square organized , among others, presentation of buses and trolley buses purchased under the project "Integrated Public Transport System of the City of Lublin " ( co-financed by the Operational Programme "Development of Eastern Poland 2007-2013), including the one at the moment in Poland articulated trolleybus. In addition, on the Castle Square have been presented historic vehicles of the brand San and Ziu. There was a lot of attractions for the youngest. Especially for small residents of the city on the Castle Square was organised stand , where they can participate in games and plays about the urban communication. The youngest, could spend its time with themselves, and the volunteers, who on the attached sheets of paper were drawing Lublin buses. Pupils from schools in Lublin took a trip in the footsteps of the European funds combined with a visit to the Lublin Airport (this Airport has benefited from funds from the Regional Operational Programme of Lublin).

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In addition, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Polish entry into the European Union issued a special edition of the paper transport tickets with logo celebrations of Polish accession to the EU and the new model of the Charter of the Electronic Ticket dedicated to the project "Integrated System of Urban Public Transport in Lublin. On the 9th of May this year we had a day of free public transport in Lublin.  With proof of registration the owners and co-owners of cars can make free use of public transport.

Moreover, in the session room of the Lublin City Hall held a formal announcement called: "The European Lublin eyes of young artists" - 2014 edition with giving awards. Added competition works depicted the effects of the implementation of investment projects carried out or implemented by the Municipality of Lublin, co-financed by European Union funds in the financial perspective 2007-2013. In contrast, on 1-16 May., before the Lublin City Hall, suspended open-air exhibition, presenting the positive changes that have taken place in Lublin, as a result of implementation of investment projects co-financed by the European Union, including the "Integrated System of Urban Public Transport in Lublin ".

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