05.04.2013 Rzeszów „Professional courses and internships for the disabled – II”; Computer courses Labor Market Institute

Computer courses for all project participants were started in April 2013. The internships for the first edition participants are in progress.

In April 2013 all project participants of the second edition started computer classes. There are three levels of computer classes. The score on the computer knowledge test determined the right class for each participant. Classes are conducted by experienced trainers. The internships for the first edition participants are in progress.

The project “Professional courses and internships for the disabled – II” aims at helping 60 disabled people (40 women and 20 men) aged 15-64, unemployed or not in the working field in the Podkarpackie Voivodship. The goal of the project is to increase the employability and chances in the working field of 60 disabled and unemployed people. The project takes place between 1st March 2012 and 28th February 2014.

The project „Professional courses and internships for the disabled – II”
is co-financed by the European Social Found.

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