22.10.2012 Nasutów Professional Government training for employees of local government units European Meeting Centre Nowy Staw Foundation

European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation, together with the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland, invites employees of local government units to participate in the project " Professional Councilor " co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim of our project is to increase the competence of local governments in the field of international cooperation at social and economic level.

Within the project, we invite you to participate in one of three proposed training`s:

  1. "International economic promotion" held between 5-7.11.2012r.
  2. "The Social and civic dimension of foreign policy" held between  7-9.11.2012r.
  3. "Acquisition of European funds for international cooperation" held between 19-21.11.2012r.

Lecturers will include specialists from the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Regional Development, the State Agency for Information and Foreign Investment, the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, the Foundation for the Development of Education and the Office of the Marshal of Lublin.

Training will be organized in Nasutów near Lublin.

Training is free of charge - we provide the participants with accommodation and full board.

We cordially invite you to participate in the training`s. We hope that they will be a valuable contribution to your work.