In couple of days young representatives of two partner organizations from Poland and Italy will meet for the II international meeting within the project Youth4Youth that is realizing under Action 1.3 of the "Youth in Action" programme
The second international meeting will take place in Nasutow and will last from 27th December 2011 till 2nd January 2012. Meeting aims at increasing participants’ knowledge on peer to peer education and non-formal learning as a supportive tool to youth active participation. The meeting will be based on interactive work in groups and workshops that will be lead by young people for other young people. This way Polish participants will be preparing themselves to act as peer educators during activating workshops for young people from Lublin region, which will be held in February 2012.
Detailed information about the recruitment of participants for activating workshops will be available at the beginning of January 2012.
Project is co-funded by the programme "Youth in Action"