21.09.-22.09.2011. Nasutow Training "Youth entrepreneurship" European Information

On 21-22 of September Europe Direct - Lublin Information Point invites to a training called" Youth entrepreneurship". We invite students from high schools and their teachers.

The aims of the training are:

  • supporting the active attitudes of youth in planning and creating of their professional future in conjunctions with the possibilities which gives the participation of Poland in the European Union,
  • strengthening the entrepreneurship among youth,
  • developing of the abilities to adapt to the changing labour market conditions,
  • showing the possible sources of knowledge and methods of using them in order to prepare for functioning on the labour market,
  • working out the ability of self-presentation and effective search for work also on the European labour market,
  • supporting schools in planning of education and professional career. 

From each school we invite one teacher and two students.
The workshops will be held simultaneously in 2 groups: teachers and students.

The training will take place on 21-22 September 2011 in the conference centre in Nasutow near Lublin (European Meeting Centre).

The participation is free of charge.
We provide the transfer Lublin - Nasutow - Lublin and the accommodation for the night 21-22 September.
We don’t reimburse the costs of travel to Lublin.
All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Participants are requested to come on 21.09.2011 at 9.00 a.m. to the Castle Square in Lublin from where they will go by a special bus to Nasutow.

Come back to Lublin on 22.09.2011 around 16.00.

Applications must be sent by fax: 081 5346192
or e-mail:
until 14 September 12.00 o`clock.

The order of entries determines the participation.
The list of qualified schools will be published on 15 September at
We will inform the qualified participants also by e-mail.

In case of questions please contact:
Marta Jędrych tel: 081 5346191,

Project supported by the European Commission.