12.01.2011 LUBLIN
Programme callendar for Volunteers in 2011
The European Centre of Youth Co-operation
With the New Year European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation prepared a new offer for volunteers. Soon, we are starting with realization new projects, exchanges, local and international conferences, where we will need volunteer’s help. To make our offer more attractive we decided to establish a new quality in the work with volunteers.
Starting with this year we want our cooperation to be more project and task – like. What does it mean? We set up difference between two sections, which you can cooperate and work in:
- International Youth Cooperation – here we mean international projects lead by European Youth Cooperation Centre: international exchanges, seminars and training courses, local initiatives etc. In this section each of you would have possibility to create his/her own exchange project and learn how to manage the project: starting from writing application, through realization and evaluation.
- Citizen education – in this section everybody, who is interested, will have the chance to take part in training course about e.g. voluntary work, help with organizing conference or lead European lesson in school.
Click and check out what we have prepared for 2011 ?! /Polish version/ PDF