11.01.2011 LUBLIN "United in diversity - multicultural Lublin" The European Centre of Youth Co-operation

European Meeting House in Nasutów had once again the opportunity to host between 12.27.2010 and 01.03.2011 participants from international exchange of New Year's Eve "United in Diversity - multicultural Lublin."

Along longtime with german partner German-Polnishe Jugendakademie and Belarusian partner Association Dziedzich European Meeting Centre-Nowy Staw Foundation organized a Polish-German-Belarusian youth exchange combined with the common New Year's Eve fun.

During the project, participants had opportunity to visit places associated with multiculturalism Lublin: Grodzka Gate Theatre-NN, Protestant Church and the Orthodox Church at Ruska Street in Lublin. Moreover, while in Lublin, young Poles, Germans and Russians jointly visited the Majdanek concentration camp, and participated in a thematic workshop prepared by the German volunteer. Being in Lublin participants in groups of mixed nationality have to solve city game tasks and so they have the opportunity to discover the unknown corners of the city of Lublin and history of the city.

The culmination of the exchange was a fun retro-style New Year's Eve until dawn.

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Project supported by the Polish-German Youth Office