23.07.2010 Lublin Into the future with the past European Centre of Youth Co-operation

What do young people know about medieval Times? Unfortunately, probably only this, what they are to read for their history classes. "From the past to the present" is an youth exchange created for informal youth group called: "The Chosen ones".

Project lasts 11 days – it has started on 12th of July and finishes on 22nd. The aim of the project is to show, by artistic workshops and other workshops, that history do not have to be boring and moreover to deepen knowledge about medieval times and increasing youth’s awarness of European citizenship.

The exchange is being held in Nasutów, and consists of 30 young people from Spain, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic and Poland.
The effects of the youth work will be available on specially created facebook group: (

The main subject of the project is medieval, and entire workshops, which will be lead during the project, are supposed to develop abilities and interests of participants. Youth will also have the opportunity to take part in pottery, music and dance workshops. Young people will learn about this period in history by: prepared before presentations, discussions, "Feast of Medieval" and art workshops.

The project will be evaluated with "Competition for the Queen’s ring", which is a kind of reactivation medieval knights tournaments.

The project is taking place in European Meeting Centre in Nasutów.

We extremely invite everybody to come and visit us !!!

Project is co-funded by the programme "Youth in Action"