14.05.2010 Lublin Europe comm - community media conference in Brussels Community Media Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation

On 24 of June in Brussels a conference entitled Europe comm – civil media for Europe will take place to end a 2-year long project, within which we created a pogram of vocational training MediaTrener.

This year we are finishing a two-years international project, which gave us a chance to create a European programme for vocational training and media education called MediaTrainer. This project is designed especially for the community media sector, which is facing different problems regarding finances and participation of the people. Our project MediaTrainer with its's innovative tools (e-learning, training courses, web-TV platform) gives us a chance to support and strengthen community media centres and civil society organizations in their work. It allows to qualify staff from those instutitions and attract people to participate in their work. Europe comm conference in Brussels will let us reflect the currect problems of the COMMunity media sector and COMMunicate them to the public. It means reflection, cooperation and integration towards common European framework of civil society institutions and community media centres in Europe. More about the conference