Like every year Polish and German partners will have the opportunity to make new contacts and preparation of projects already planned. In addition, the congress participants will have the opportunity to talk with the staff of the German Federation for Cultural Youth Education and the Polish-German Youth Office on the proposals and funded projects.
In addition, the center of attention the last day of the congress is: "Do not small enough to go out into the great world" - an international meeting on education-based child-cultural influences.
Both in Poland and Germany, more and more organizations in their countries involved in the field of cultural education. The question is: as you can make good use of the educational experience in international projects?
Provide inspiration to discuss, inter alia, results of current research by the German Institute of Youth "Acquiring intercultural competence through international meetings of children" and the theatrical and educational experiences with kindergarten children.
Organizer of the congress is the The German Federation for Cultural Youth Education (BKJ) bringing together 50 German professional organizations and federal organizations dealing with cultural education of children and adolescents.
Współorganizatorem jest Wrocławskie Centrum Twórczości Dziecka
Project supported by the Polish-German Youth Office