European Meeting Centre – Nowy Staw Foundation invites to a conference "Volunteering - as a key to the success of young people" - devoted to the opportunities of personal development offered to young people through available forms of voluntary work in the Lublin region.
The conference will take place 19 December 2008 at 10.00 in the meeting room in City Hall of Lublin.
The conference is a summary of project which was implemented by the European Meeting Centree – Nowy Staw Foundation. The project was aimed at promoting and increasing the availability of European Voluntary Service under the framesof programme "Youth in Action".
Opening of Conference
10:20 - 11:30
Local voluntary service in the Lublin region - opportunities, projects, results
11:30 - 12:25
European Voluntary Service - good practices
12:25 - 12.50
Volunteering outside the borders of Europe
Please confirm your participation in the conference until 17.XII.2008
on the
Programu „Młodzież w Działaniu” Unii Europejskiej.