European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation was established in 1993.
The Foundation supports all social initiatives that aim at building civil societies, co-operation and solidarity between nations. It seconds the processes of democratic change in Belarus and Ukraine and Poland's integration with the European Union.


Civil Media Centre

Priority! is a name for actions undertaken by young people from Poland, Germany, France, Ukraine, Belarus, Azrbaijan and Georgia, which are meant to inform the youth about Europe. The young people will work for two years on a website devoted to informal education, youth actions and local initiatives of civil organizations in Europe.
A social television service will be created for the youth and civil organizations. There will be organized trainings and international media workshops, during which young people will have a chance to learn how to use a camcorder, edit video files, convert video files, conduct interviews and edit the website.

Priotytet: Youth!

Priority! Is also a name of a European information service broadcast in internet television. Any organization that belongs to Youth4Media Network, association as well as civil organizations from Georgia and Azerbaijan will be able to participate in the production of the website. The service will be produced exclusively by organizations and youth groups, which themselves will decide how often, in which languages and at what times it should be broadcast. Priority! Will inform about all things relied to youth, education and international co-operation.
Priority! Will not only be broadcast in the social internet television, but also made available for download in the form of podcasts. Also, there will be produced 4 half-hour long television programmes named Priority: Europe, containing information on the European Union. – open television is a social internet television service co-produced by youth from different European countries. The website will also contain materials on demand (VoD) produced by young people during international media workshops as well as productions of all member organizations of Youth4Media Network association. Moreover, will broadcast information services Priority! and Priority! flash. service is planned to be open for the upload of amateur videos by registered users. We would be particularly keen on getting productions of civil organizations.

Aims of the project:

  • • development of a training programme for youth workers working with civil media - to plan a five-day workshop that can teach youth workers to promote their organization or group in civil media
  • • sharing of knowledge about how to create audio-visual materials for internet television
  • • training of a group of civil media multiplicators
  • • improvement of youth programmes by sharing experiences and the know-how of civil media
  • • creation of a social internet television service
  • • spreading information about the Youth Programme in action and international co-operation of youth in Caucasus and Eastern Europe
  • • production of the Priority! information service available on the website.
  • • making the youth from Germany, France and Poland sensitive to the situation in Eastern Europe and countries of the Caucasus
  • • strengthening the partnership and sense of solidarity between young people from Eastern and Western Europe
  • • support for the participation of young people in the civil society
  • • support for the development of civil media centres in Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Belarus
  • • Extension of the European Association Youth4Media Network to include new organizations from Azerbaijan and Georgia

Civil media - training module for youth workers

Training module created by a working group AG1 - Training (Poland, Germany, France, Ukraine) will contain a plan of a five-day training session about civil media for youth workers and basic information on how to produce audiovisual material from a youth exchange and place it on the social internet television website.

Trainings for civil media multiplicators

Five-day workshop sessions for youth workers from seven member organizations will be held in July 2007 in Orléans and in April 2008 in Lublin. The workshops will test the training module as well as the newly-trained people.

Work with local youth

Every trained multiplicator will be asked to prepare a group of young people for international media workshops (August 2007 in Münster, June 2008 in Lublin, August 2008 in Münster). Moreover, groups of young people in each country will produce materials for the Priority! Information service and collect footage for the production of Priority: Europe! television magazines. Young people from Lublin will coordinate work on the information service, edit and produce podcasts. Material from partner organizations will be sent to the server via internet.

International media workshops

Young people from seven member countries will attend three international media workshop sessions, during which they will produce 4 half-hour long television magazines - Priority: Europe! The magazines will be broadcast by OTV Münster, on the website and available as VoD. During workshops, young people will also edit

Audio-visual materials

Four TV magazines Priority: Europe! as well as the most interesting audio-visual materials will be available on CDs and distributed during regional conferences in Lutsk (November 2007) , Tbilisi (October 2008) and the closing conference of the Free Media Bridges project in Lutsk (December 2008.)

Extension of the European Youth4Media Network Association

Partner organizations from Azerbaijan and Georgia will be invited to participate in the Youth4Media association, but they will not be able to fully join it until the finalization of the Free Media Bridges project.

Regional conferences

Conferences in Lutsk (November 2007) and Tbilisi (October 2008)will promote civil media, international youth co-operation, work of the Youth programme and the social service.

Priority! And will be produced as part of the Free Media Bridges
from East to West project, which is financed by the European Commission.

działy programowe


Economic Forum of Young Leaders in Nowy Sącz is a partner programme of Economic Forum in Krynica. It is a meeting of young social, economic and political leaders from the countries of European Union, Eastern Europe and Caucasus.



The aim of the initiative is for different christian-social environments to meet, discuss vital social problems and phenomenons, participate in social debate on the social and economic life in Poland. The Christian Social Week draws on best patriotic traditions, responsibility for "little motherlands".



The mission of Labour Market Institute (the former Centre of Social Education) is to professionally support the current and potential members of the labour market in their development of respect for the dignity of a man as an entity in work.



The European Centre of Youth Co-operation supports the coactions and international contacts of youth, especially in Europe. One of the main forms of activity are the international meetings of youth. They are always a chance to widen one's horizons, exchange experience and find inspiration for new undertakings.



Our Foundation promotes the idea of community media in Poland. It is such an initiative that serves the development of the civil society and inspires the citizens to create a dialogue and to express their own ideas and thoughts.



Work for the conscious and effective participation of Poland in the European Union is impossible without information about the EU: Eurodesk, RODM Lublin, RODM Gdańsk, Europe Direct Lublin

RODM Lublin RODM Gdańsk

ED Lublin